Friday, January 20, 2006

They Were Soldiers Once...

And they are again! Recognize these ITSOTBers in the latest AO?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joe Galloway was one of the few reporters in the Nam that was in the bush with us. His loyalties from those days onward have always been to the "grunts" who finish the disagreements politicians get into. I have read some posts that Joe has written on"" and he doesn't always say things I agree with, BUT, the man was in the bush and has earned his right to say what he wishes! Another post here. I was a door gunner in the Robin Hoods[May,68-Dec,68] and to see that bird flying again made my eyes water. When the gunner secured his pilot in his seat, then started back to his hellhole, I flashed back. I was hearing the turbine whining,the rotor turning and the smell of JP-4 was also there. I started crying then, thinking of dead brothers. We were all young men who left our childish ways on the bloody fields of the Nam. I have never experienced the sense of brotherhood nor closeness I felt then, at any time in my life since. It is a bond we will carry to our graves. ROBIN HOODS